Thursday, April 28, 2011

The tea goddess strikes again!

Monday April 18, 2011 Day 292

The tea goddess struck again, attacking Roger this time. He was holding a teapot when it broke, and he suffered a cut on his thumb. It was not too severe, but he had to call me to come make the salad - otherwise he was going to bleed all over the lettuce! He refused to bandage it at first, but he finally gave in and let me put a band-aid on it to help stop the bleeding.

Last fall we signed up and paid for tickets to go see a British comedian at a local venue through the AWG. Unfortunately, I failed to write it down on the calendar, and the date is Thursday. We have already scheduled our train and excursion tickets to go to Amsterdam, with a leaving date of Wednesday. So I put out a call to my AWG friends (posted an email, actually) asking if they knew anyone who would want two extra tickets. We found a buyer and I agreed to ride the red tram out to the Sablassou stop to meet Cerese. It was good to get them sold, since we were not going to use them, although I would have liked to see the show.

I painted again today - I am in the last throes of the local boutique painting.

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