Monday, April 25, 2011

Sister's Cafe and the botanical gardens

Tuesday April 5, 2011 Day 279

For breakfast we fixed eggs with lardoons and served up orange juice and fresh grain baguettes. We went to the market, where we ladies all bought blue jeans. I also bought a black hat for 5 Euros.

We ate lunch at Sisters Café. Roger declined to join us, choosing instead to eat at the apartment. On his way to chess, he dropped by our table at the café and greeted us. After lunch we walked to the botanical gardens, which are starting to be lovely. Then we walked home for games and iced tea. Wedels again!
Sisters at the Sister's Cafe

We went out to dinner again, at a restaurant called Symphony. There were only about 10 small tables in the restaurant, and the waitress asked a gentleman seated in the center if he would mind switching tables - otherwise they could not accommodate the five of us. The food was delicious, not quite as good as Sunday’s, but better than last night’s Indian meal.

Pineapple for dessert at Symphony

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