Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tulips are up - or one, anyway!

Saturday February 19, 2011 Day 234

Roger looks as if he has been losing weight on our low-carb diet. I suspect he has lost more than 10 pounds, but we do not have a scale to check our weight. On the other hand, I see few signs that I am also losing weight. I will be falling off the diet on Wednesday when I go to Cook & Eat. But I will get right back onto the wagon until we decide to go somewhere or until the first of our visitors arrives.

Roger came home early because it had begun to rain at chess. He really surprised me by telling me he invited a chess-playing friend, Troy, to dinner on Wednesday night. Seldom in our entire marriage has Roger invited someone home to dinner! Troy is a New Yorker living here and taking art classes.

A tulip finally pushed through the soil today. It is large and healthy, so I guess I have just been in too much of a hurry. My only experience has been in the warm soils of the southern U.S., where we plant tulips one day and in less than a week they are two inches into the air!

I seem to be getting seriously into farming in the apartment. In November, we bought two African violets. At one point in December, a few leaves broke off, so I set them up to root in a glass. Most of them died off, but two survived. When we returned from our cruise, they had sufficient roots to plant. One died, but the other seemed to just sit there in the pot - not growing, but not dying either. Yesterday some tiny leaves appeared at the soil line! Yay! Further, the two African violets I bought originally have multiple crowns - one has two, the other three. Today I separated them and I now have five African violets plus the new baby. In the process of separating and repotting them, I broke off several leaves, so I am working at rooting them as well. Maybe I can give each Garden Club member an African violet as a parting gift.

1 comment:

shelli said...

Don't forget about the pineapple that you planted at my house.