Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Gardening in an apartment

Friday November 26, 2010 Day 149
Today I seem to have the onset of a cold. When I went to bed last night (late - I stayed up to “watch” the first half of the Saints game, then went to take my bath. Afterward I saw the Cowboys bring it to within seven at the opening of the third quarter but had to give up and go to bed) my throat was a little iffy. I treated it with Listerine, but this morning it seems worse and I feel lousy. I didn’t even get out of the apartment. It was cleaning day so I laundered sheets and towels and Roger took them to the laundromat to dry after he got home from chess. It is a nice day to stay in, sunny but cold.

We brought the plants in last night as it was forecast to get down to 1° C. The plants in the kitchen window would probably be okay, as the window overlooks a courtyard protected on three sides. We went ahead anyway, but didn’t bother with the cyclamen. I lost them upon my return from Italy. I don’t know whether they didn’t like being inside for ten days, or whether the watering after ten days was too much (they weren‘t terribly dry - we turned off the heat in the apartment and I think it stayed pretty cool in here), or the shock of the cold after being inside hit them wrong, but they gave up the ghost. Actually, they were beginning to sprout a couple of new leaves, but the rain earlier this week filled up the tray they sit in, and I think they finally drowned. I will try to get some replacements at tomorrow’s market.

In the meantime, my Christmas cacti are opening up nicely. I have a red one and a white one, bought with buds on them, and the buds are opening up beautifully. I should check the geraniums for bugs since they are inside. I sprayed them before we left for Italy and the new growth looks bug-free. Can you tell I miss my garden?

I napped this afternoon while Roger was at chess - a rarity for me. Roger naps often - he will be sitting or lying on the couch, reading on the computer or listening to Science Friday on his MP3 and soon I will be aware of the sound of a gentle snore coming from his direction. We have an agreement that in the evenings I will wake him if I catch him asleep, as he will not sleep well at night otherwise. If he naps in the morning or afternoon, I leave him to it.

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