Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sunday walk

Originally uploaded by cspatrick
Sunday, October 24, 2010 Day 116
This morning, we walked to the river where we saw a flea market about a month ago and where we looked for one last week. We spent more than an hour on the walk, getting ourselves lost in the stroll down to the Lez. We saw quite a bit of new territory, including parts of the new tram line. We will not get to see the new tram line completed, as that is not scheduled until 2012l. Alas, there was still no flea market, so we rode the tram back home.

On our walk, we passed this field with a couple of goats in the foreground. I actually took the picture more for the colorful vineyard in the background.

Roger fixed beans and cornbread for dinner this evening. The cornbread was rather a trial for a couple of reasons. First, the only cornmeal here is called polenta, and what we bought was demi-cuir, or half-cooked, so we were not sure exactly how this would substitute for cornmeal. Then we didn’t have any eggs, so Roger located a recipe on the internet for vegan cornbread. He didn’t put in enough liquid, and it was rather dry. The taste wasn’t too bad, but it was best eaten crumbled into the beans. The beans themselves took a long time to cook. Roger finally declared them done after about an hour and a half, but after one bite, I took mine and put them back in the pan where I let them cook for almost another hour before I was happy with them. I’m not sure what happened with the beans – perhaps they were old. He bought them out of a bin in the north African shop, and I would have expected them to be fairly fresh, but – who knows?!

After Roger finished dinner, he located the Saints game on the computer and followed the written play-by-play. He read me the plays as I ate my dinner later. We were very disappointed in the whole game. I don't think the Saints played like Superbowl champs.

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