Monday, October 4, 2010


Originally uploaded by cspatrick
We ate our lunch on a large flat rock overlooking the Hérault valley, although from our vantage point we were unable to see the bottom of the valley. We hiked on a bit farther after lunch, and from here we were able to look out over the valley. We might have gone further, but time constraints compelled us to turn around and go back so that we could be back in Montpellier in time for school to let out. Jan kindly dropped us at the tram stop and we headed home. As we disembarked from the tram and walked across the Comedie, we noted booths going up for yet another celebration or festival or whatever. We were too tired to investigate, and anyway, the booths were still being constructed in anticipation of the weekend event, so we trekked home and to bed, quite pooped.

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