Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Computer decisions - UGH!

Saturday, October 16, 2010 Day 108

We started our morning by going to the computer shop. We discussed our options last night and have just about decided that the best thing for us to do will be to buy the cheapest netbook we can find and have Christian bring it along when he comes to Italy. We plan to meet him there, so we will pick it up from him. Dell has one for $299. The guy at the computer shop here showed us a laptop and a netbook. The laptop is 799€, and the notebook 599€. Too rich for our blood! Besides that, I don’t want a French laptop. We already have a French phone which we cannot use fully. I don’t want a French computer I can’t understand as well. I think that if I buy a computer from Dell and have them ship it here, I may have to pay an import duty of some sort. I could probably have it a bit sooner if I did that, but I don’t want to have to pay import duties, so we hope to avoid that by using Christian as our courier. I’d rather pay him.

I was in a blue funk the rest of the day. We went to the shopping center and while standing in line to purchase a pedometer, I was almost in tears. We went from there to see about buying me a robe but I didn’t find anything I wanted. I want a floor-length robe with a zipper. I would settle for buttons, but the buttons must go all the way to the floor. The two shops we hit up didn’t have any such robe. We went from there to the grocery store, then home. I spent most of the afternoon reading and trying not to be too dejected about the whole thing. Roger played chess and suffered mostly defeats again. He can’t quite master the clock.

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