Monday, February 21, 2011

No market today, thanks to Iso Gaz

 Tuesday February 1, 2011    Day 216
At 11:40 today, the Iso Gaz guy called to say he would come between 12:15 and 12:30. I guess there will be no market visit today! The market closes at 1:00, and there is neither time to go before he gets here, nor time to go after he leaves. If we had known he would be this late, we could have been to the market twice! An interesting side note - he called on the apartment telephone, although I had not given the clerk that number yesterday - I gave her our cell phone number. I have never bothered to learn our apartment phone number, although it is in our cell phone. I am sure the Iso Gaz records reflect the apartment phone number for this address. He finally came, but not until almost 1:00. He took less than an hour, and gave us a contract for a year on the boiler. He made a note of our landlord’s name, but the contract is actually in my name. I do hope that will not give our landlord any problems if he should need service under the contract in the next year!

We Skyped with Shelli and Brennan this evening - the highlight of our day. Brennan is so cute and is beginning to track voices and to gurgle. It won’t be long before he is giggling and reaching out to actually touch things instead of just flailing as he does now. I complain about the cold here, but we are grateful we are not in Dallas now. The temperature there is not expected to rise above freezing for the next three days. Too cold for moi!
Check out this guy in his kilt. Unfortunately, I could never get a frontal of him.

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