Saturday, February 19, 2011

Cook & Eat.

Monday January 24, 2011    Day 208

It was right at zero degrees Fahrenheit when I set out for Caroline’s house this morning for Cook and Eat. This was appropriate, because the theme for today was comfort food, and with the ambient temperature as low as it is, comfort food is quite appealing. I had been assigned an apple pie. I had brought back some 9-inch foil pie tins from the States and planned to use two of those for the expected dozen ladies who participate in Cook and Eat. Today, however, there were only nine. Caroline offered up her 10-inch ceramic flan/tart dish and we settled for making only one pie. I set a couple of women to peeling apples, while Peggy directed some of the group in fixing a lentil soup. In addition to the soup and pie, we had a delightful (and colorful) roasted red pepper, roasted tomato and avocado salad with anchovies, courtesy of Jane. She used a melon baller for the avocado and it produced nice little avocado rounds. Delicious! My pie turned out quite well - lovely to look at and delicious as well. Unfortunately Peggy, who took pictures, did not share her photos in a usable format for here, so I have no photo.

While I was at Cook & Eat, Roger watched the rest of the Packers/Bears game and all of the Jets/Steelers game. Nice! Now if he only had a screen bigger than the one that a netbook offers! We could plug the computer into the television if we had the right cable, but I don’t know if Roger will indulge. The Superbowl is probably the only thing left that he will want to watch through Shelli’s and Ronnie’s Slingbox, and he will probably not consider it worthwhile to buy the cable just for that. The Superbowl doesn’t start until 6:30, which is 1:30 a.m. our time. He will probably just get up and watch it Monday morning after it is played on Sunday night.

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