Monday, January 25, 2016

Returning the crib

Friday June 24, 2011                                                Day 359

We returned the crib to Lael today. We agreed to meet her husband, Mark, at a parking lot near the market at 5:30, but when I called him at 5:00 to confirm, he asked me to wait – he said it would take him about the same time to get from work to the parking lot as it would take us to walk there, and he was not ready to leave work yet. The crib and mattress are bulky and are too much for me to handle alone, so Roger said he would leave chess to help get them to the parking lot.

Roger got home a little after 5:00 from chess – he didn’t intend to quit for the day, but to return after we took care of the crib, so he left his chess set at the chess tables. Mark called 20 minutes later to tell us he was leaving, and we set out as well. We got part way there, struggling with the bulky items, when Roger hit upon the great idea of grabbing a rental bike from a rack along our path. I got out my card and we rented a bike – first time in probably seven or eight months. He walked the bike and we balanced the packaged crib and the mattress on the seat. It worked out pretty well – easier than carrying the items. We had only about a five-minute wait before Mark showed up, picked up the items and went on his way. Then Roger took the bicycle and rode it to chess – there is a rental stand near the chess tables.

Peggy wrote back to say that she is in Michigan and will not be back before our departure. I went to see Judi at the English Corner Shop, who is a mutual friend, and asked her if she would hold a couple of things for Peggy.

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