Friday, May 28, 2010

Home from Texas

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Home, sweet home! It was great to sleep in our own bed again, even though the bed at Daddy’s is pretty comfortable – it’s just not home. I have a cold. Ugh. It has a pretty deep cough – deeper than I am used to. I keep dragging up phlegm. It woke me up a couple of times last night (and consequently Roger), but didn’t keep me awake long. I don’t feel bad, and the coughing doesn’t hurt, it just has to be done. I have started using my fast-acting inhaler to aid in treating the cough. I think it helps a bit.

I called Stella. She said the open house went great, except that there were no offers on the house. She said that the house looked really good. There were two large groups of lookers. One rather bulky lady took one look at the stairs and declared that she could never get up and down them. Then why is she looking at two-story houses? Our stairs are no steeper than any others. I’M BITING MY TONGUE (and my fingers)!!!

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