Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Grand Tour

Friday, May 14, 2010
I finally went back to bed at 12:30 a.m. and slept pretty well. I feel better this morning – the prednisone furnace seems to have cooled down some. This is the 4-pill day. The less of this stuff I have to take each day, the better. I will be through with the complete regime by Tuesday. I feel good enough that I don’t think I need to try to see a doctor today in Lubbock.

We got the Grand Tour of the farms this morning, or at least half of it. We drove out to the gin, where Daddy loves to go and kibitz with a dozen or so of the local farmers, who meet at the gin for coffee every weekday morning. Today there were about 8 men there, with another walking out the door as we arrived. We stayed for 20-30 minutes, then left for the tour. Daddy directed, Roger drove. We saw much of the 4500 acres of land which Jimmy farms. We didn’t get to finish, but there is time either Sunday or Monday morning to complete the tour.

Rain this morning! The local farmers are rejoicing – this is an area which only gets 12-18 inches of rain annually, and rain is almost always a welcome occurrence. They measure their rain in hundredths of an inch here. Satellite pictures indicate that much of it may miss this area but there is at least some moisture coming down.

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