Saturday, January 23, 2016

Borrowing a portable crib

Monday June 6, 2011                                   Day 341

Last week I wrote an email message to Lael, who is in charge of the AWG childrens’ activities, and asked her if she knew anyone who had a portable crib. She volunteered that she did, and arranged to bring it to us today. So Roger left chess early and we walked to the Peyrou to meet Lael, whom I had never met before. She arrived, parked illegally for a few moments, then hopped out and handed over the crib – a large contraption contained in a fabric case, along with the crib mattress and a bag of sheets. It was all over in less than five minutes, and the most amazing thing about it is that I do not know Lael, nor she me, except that we are both AWG members. 

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