Thursday, May 26, 2011

More paintings

Thursday April 28, 2011                                                                                         Day 302

Today I ache all over from yesterday’s exercises. But I gritted my teeth and got through the whole series this morning. Ugh! I spent the entire rest of the day limping from sore muscles.

Afterward, we went out for a bit - to the halle to buy some meat for dinner, to the ATM for some money, and to a book/video store for some cheap CDs. We splurged and bought five for 20 eurocents each. I also sprang for a portfolio - deciding it was time that I stopped using an x-ray bag to store my paintings in.
My new portfolio for my paintings
 Roger got rained out at chess and came home early. He called to remind me to bring the clothes in from the line, and his timing was perfect - the laundry was dry and it was just barely starting to spit.

I finished the watercolor. I am not pleased - it did not turn out as I planned it. I should probably plan on taking some watercolor lessons if I intend to continue in that medium. The painting is nice, I suppose, but then, I am my own harshest critic by a long shot.

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