Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Saturday May 7, 2011                      Day 311

I woke this morning stiff and sore in both hips and my right knee. Bummer! I am going to have to do a lot of stretching and walking in the next few days. I am sure I will be limping for a couple of those days.

Despite my stiff joints, we went to the Market today, and I felt that the walk was good for my knee. Cherries are coming into season here - yum! As is often the case, we saw Anne and paused to speak to her for a few moments.

As we were returning to the apartment, I heard someone on the street call my name. I turned and looked and it was our downstairs neighbor, Mara. She introduced us to her daughter, Alexandria, who is probably about the age of my daughters. Mara said she had just returned from a 5-day walking pilgrimage to Spain. She looked quite fit and a bit tanned and said she had a really good walk. She recommended it to us. She said she would like me to see her patchwork, and I agreed to come down to her apartment. In exchange, I shall show off some of my paintings. At about 4:00, she knocked on my door and asked me down to tea. I picked up my portfolio and carried it down with me. She began by showing me a beautiful quilt in pinks and violets - rather small - more the size of a baby quilt. She plans to hang it on a wall and we discussed which one. She had some cute pieces she had done using applique for animals, then she hand-quilted around the animals - very cute.

I had met her cat Celeste another time, and Celeste made herself comfortable with me. She is a young cat, although no longer a kitten. She played with us and frolicked around the apartment the entire time of my visit.
After we looked at her handiwork, we sat down for tea and I pulled out my artwork. We talked a bit more then I departed.
Roger came home from chess and we were both sitting around when I heard a “meow.” I got up and opened the door and Celeste entered and made herself at home, checking out the nooks and crannies of our apartment. A few moments later, I heard someone coming up the stairs, and I was sure it would be Mara. I opened the door and invited her in. I had to coax Celeste out from under our bed and Mara took her back home. I told Mara we would be happy to keep her some time while Mara was at work.

A view of a pond at the botanical gardens near our apartment

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