Thursday, May 26, 2011

Buying flowers

Tuesday April 26, 2011                                                                                          Day 300

Market day. We bought some lasagna for dinner, along with some squash, peppers, onions and tomatoes for creole squash. We ran into Susan from AWG while we were buying flowers and chatted briefly with her. There were some beautiful amaryllis flowers for sale, most of them with multiple flowers on one stem. I bought a pink and a red. This was the same vendor who sold us the daffodils a few weeks ago, and he lovingly, almost tenderly, wrapped them up in paper, added a few extra detail flowers, and stapled a sprig of something to the edge of the paper. Before he wrapped them, he asked me if they were a gift. The wrapping was exquisite - I wonder what he would have done had it been a gift!

I dropped into the pharmacie for a weigh-in after lunch. Then I walked to the hair salon and got a perm. It was the longest one I have ever had - more than three hours. In the middle of it, the hairdresser paused and put color on another lady’s hair, then returned to mine. When I left, the lady had had color on her hair for over an hour without a rinse! 

Today I discovered that there are buds on one of my African violets. Nice!
Roger’s hat got a couple of spots on it on our travels, so I hand-washed it today. It is rare that I hand-wash much of anything, so I hope he feels privileged.

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