Wednesday April 27, 2011 Day 301
We finally went to the grocery store, three days after returning from vacation. We were hurting for a couple of things - peanut butter, tea and lunch meat primarily. On the way to the store, we stopped to check out one of the booths which are set up almost every day along the edge of the Comédie. Roger had been eying a ring there, and we checked out the jewelry booth more thoroughly. In the end, he bought a ring with another ring built into it - one which has a chessboard pattern on an inner ring which spins.
Roger has been doing exercises for a month or more now, and I have not bothered to join him. I decided to this morning, doing a 12-minute aerobic workout from an internet site, and hated every minute of it. Indeed, I did not even complete it. My computer started acting up - I did the warm-up and the first series of exercises, but when it came time to do the second set, I couldn’t see what they were because my computer refused to cooperate. By the time I got it to display again, I had half cooled down, but I forged on for a bit. Then the timer wouldn’t display, so I threw a hissy fit and quit about halfway through. Any excuse not to exercise!!!
I painted again this afternoon - starting on a watercolor and on an acrylic as well. I was unable to finish either one, as it was my evening to cook. I usually start painting in the afternoon, and quit when Roger gets home from chess, which is anywhere between 6:00 and 7:30, depending upon the weather and the light. It stays light here until 8:30 or so, and I may begin to rearrange my days so that I can paint after dinner as well. We can probably bump up dinner an hour or so on some days, and when I cook, I can continue to paint while Roger cleans up.
By mid-afternoon, I realized that my thighs ache from the exercises I did this morning.
We Skyped with Brennan and Shelli this evening. Brennan is starting to move around a lot and to respond to lots of stimuli. He is such a cute little boy.