Friday, March 25, 2011

Bonne Anniversaire!

Saturday February 26, 2011 Day 241

Happy Anniversary, Ronnie and Shelli. Six years! And now a baby to add to the wonder!

We had arranged to meet Anne for a book on the way to the market, so we paused at a café across the street from it and found her enjoying a cup of coffee. We visited with her for a few minutes, then collected the book from her and headed on to the market. Today it was again large and crowded. There was even a furniture and violin maker there! Can you imagine buying a violin at an open-air market?

We saw a young man playing a steel drum, and the sound was wonderful! It reminded me quite a bit of a harp. I took his picture and donated a coin, which I always feel is obligatory if I am going to take a street musician’s photo.

Love the pants, too!

1 comment:

shelli said...

Thanks for the anniversary shout-out!