Friday, January 28, 2011

Saints are out of the playoffs - Sigh

Saturday January 8, 2011 Day 192

I slept through the night, and woke to the sound of Bruno striking his paw against the door. “Wake up and take me for a walk!” he said, so Roger complied. I got up and fixed pancakes for everyone, including Alicia, Peter and Eric, who arrived around 10:00. Christa, Sarah, Acuzena, and James were not far behind. We played games and sat around and talked and watched after the babies. Having two babies to compete with, Sarah was particularly desperate for attention.

We watched the Saints game, and the Saints lost. Sigh. Superbowl champs one year, the next year they can’t even get past the first round of the playoffs. SIGH.

More television news, more killings, more shootings, more death and disaster. Welcome to the U.S.A.!

We had plans to go see Roger’s aunt Ann, who lives in Ft. Worth, but she called in tears, apologizing and saying that she was not up to the visit. She said her face was badly swollen and she just felt too bad to have visitors. She has breast cancer and has struggled through the treatments. So we held Brennan and played games the rest of the afternoon.

Bruno, looking for his place in the pack.
There is snow forecast for tomorrow. After dinner, Alicia and Peter and Eric left to go down to spend the night at Mary Ellen’s house again. Once there, Peter and Alicia checked the weather reports and decided to leave for Atlanta and spend the night along the road somewhere.

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