Monday, October 4, 2010

Searching for computer repair

Saturday, September 25, 2010 Day 87

We got up late this morning and headed to a computer repair place which we found on Google maps. It was probably a 20-minute walk from our apartment, and it was a bright, sunny, if cool, day. We arrived in the area but were never able to locate the exact site. Roger suggested that this may be in some guy’s apartment, and there were several apartment buildings in the area. We called the number and got voice mail – in French, of course – and the voice started out by stating that the place was closed. This although the website said that they were open on Saturdays. So we gave up and walked back a different way, just to keep etching that Wedel map.

Failing there, we dropped into the cybercafé down the street, where I have established something of a relationship, being that woman who speaks almost no French but who has come in half a dozen times in 3 weeks for copies or stuff that needs printing, or once to use the computer. We asked them where they get their computers fixed, and they recommended a repair shop only a stone’s throw from our apartment. We walked there to drop the computer off. When I showed the guy the computer and that it won’t even come on, he asked for the power cord, and noted that the cord is wobbly where it connects to the computer – something I had noticed for a week or two but hadn’t thought much about. We returned to the apartment, and an hour later got a call saying that the cost would be 117€ and that it would take about a week. Sigh.

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