Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Originally uploaded by cspatrick
After our ice cream, we left for Zammer Lochputz, which is a mystical gorge in Zams in western Tyrol. The tour starts with the issue of hard hats for us all, and consists of a climb of some 260 steps. There were a couple of stops on the way up. The first was a detour to see a waterfall gushing down from above. The water was glacier water and cooled the area quite a bit. After a climb of several more steps, we entered a small stone arch and realized that we were actually behind the waterfall. It was even cooler here and the thundering of the water was tremendous. We moved through the arch and looked down on a portion of the waterfall where we could see stones in the shape of a water nymph and a bull. Note the bull's head just to the right of the center of the picture. The nymph's head is of dark stone at the bottom center of the picture.

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